Thursday, May 28, 2009

power of prayer

I am sorry I haven't updated this week, and unfortunately I am not doing that right now. I am asking for some positive thoughts and prayers. My SIL, Jenna, has been in labor since Tuesday morning at 3 am. She is still in labor now, and yes it is 7:45 Thursday morning. When it
started on Tuesday, she was having contractions about 10 minutes apart. She had a doctors appt that morning at 8:30, where she was only 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. She labored all day with contractions anywhere from 5-10 minutes apart. She went to bed and they picked up anywhere from 3-5 minutes. She stuck it out through the night and went in at 5 am to only find out she had made no progress. They did allow her to stay at the hospital instead of sending her home, so she could hopefully get some sleep. That didn't happen. They have had her walking and sitting in the tub all day. At 10 pm when I left the hospital, she was still only at 4 cm after 2 days of labor. I received a text this morning that she was finally at 8 cm. She finally took a epidural and they gave her pitocin to speed things up. (really, don't think you should sped things up 24 hrs ago?) She is sleeping as we speak. So, if you can give her some prayers, hugs, and support, I know she would greatly appreciate it. She has no idea how strong she really is, a little support would go a long way. We are all just praying for a healthy delivery!! But, I wouldn't be lying if we all just want this to be over soon for her sake. Thanks you for all of your support!


Gracelyn Kate was born on Thursday May 28th, at 11:41 am.
She was 7lbs, 10 oz and 19 1/2 inches long
Mom and baby are doing well

Camden looks huge compared to her.....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

one day at a time.......

This is the crabby child I have had on my hands for the last 10 days or so. But, I think we have turned the corner. Hopefully I am not jinxing myself by saying that. It started 2 fridays ago, he was fussing from the time he got up to the time he went to bed. It was so unlike him. We decided to give him an extra ounce at his feedings, which seemed to be the trick for about 3 days, and then it started all over again. I could never put him down, and when I did he would cry until he would choke and gage. It was terribly heart breaking! It was making me cry. He wasn't constipated, but it seemed that he was having some gas issues. He would still be burping and hour after his bottle. I contacted the pediatrician and we decided to switch his formula, although I was a little hesitant because I didn't want to make it worse. Anyway, we did that last friday. We switched to a sensative mix, which is slightly broken down. I also decided to switch to a different bottle because he didn't seem to get a good seal around the nipple. He always seemed to be leaking and sucking in air, not to mention it would take 30-40 minutes for him to take 4-5oz. I now have my happy baby back!! He seems to be adjusting to both very well. I don't know what was the cure, but he takes a bottle in about 15-20 minutes and he isn't gassy from it. Not to mention that he still isn't spitting up very often, so it has been a win, win situation. The only thing that sucked was the bottles were expensive and the formula is a little more expensive. It ends up being a latte less a week in cost, so really it's not a big deal. Personally, I wouldn't blink a eye if it cost me a $100 a week, as long as my little man is happy, it is all worth it to me.

So back to what is new:
I had my 6 wk check up this week, I am completely healed up. We talked a little about Birth control, when we want to have another baby, fertility drugs. yikes-I don't think I was ready to switch my thinking to having another one yet, I am still enjoying my 6 WEEK OLD. Anyway she did suggest that I don't take anything that will alter my hormones due to my PSOS and irregular cycles as it is. So we are going that route. We also decided that we will start back on the metformin when Camden is 6 months old. It will take me 6-8 wks to build up my normal dose. At that point I will go back in for testing to see what is happening, well to see if I am ovulating on my own.

Other than that, the last week had been pretty uneventful because of crabby man. I was home for mothers day and my husbands birthday. It was a nice break. My wonderful mother took all of the night feedings while I was home. So I just had to change him, make his bottle, and pump. I then got to go to bed, it was amazing!! It sad on how those little things make you feel like a new woman. I needed it, now I am recharged. Other than that we have been hanging out at home a lot.

This mothers day was in some ways bitter sweet. I have a new persective of the holiday, and thank god every day for my son. But, I also remember how much it hurt last year when every other mother was celebrating the holiday, and I was still dreaming of what it would be like. I kept thinking about all the woman out there struggling with IF and how much their hearts ache on a daily bases. And now there is a day of celebrating something they are privately mourning. Yet, I wonder if someday I will have to endure that frustration and pain again.

It is sad that my maternity leave is half over. Camden is 6 wks old today, it definitly doesn't seem that long ago. It is also crazy how much he has changed. To most people he is still a little baby, and to me he is this little guy with such personality. He screams the minute he decided he is hungry, he hates to burp and screams until he does, then wants the bottle bac-- now. He greets me in the morning with big smiles. He is starting to find his voice. He will let out a loud shreek, and smile and look around to see where it came from. He is getting chubbier cheeks then he already has, I just want to kiss them all day. He loves to cuddle and snuggle-I just never want him to grow up.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

4 wk tomorrow

where does the time go? I can't believe that it has been 4 wks tomorrow since I gave birth. YIKES!! Nor can I seem to find the time to get anything done: My house is a mess, I have never ending laundry, and every time I start something, Mr. Camden seems to need something. But I wouldn't change it for the world. So here is what is new in our lives:

Breast feeding: Love it and hate it all in the same breath. I love the bonding time with Camden, but I hate how much it hurts. I have had problems since he has come home from the hospital. My little piggy latched on like a champ. the first weekend he was so hungry and my milk wasn't in, and due to him eating every 2 hrs for at least an hour, he did some serious damage. Like, my nipp.les were cracked, scabbed, and bleeding. Now I am sure I am not the first or last one to experience that, but it hurt so bad for him to latch. I did stick it out, but it never got better because of the damage he did. So after talking to the lactation consultant she suggested that I take a week off and strictly pump to let them heal. That was last Sunday. They suggested that I do not feed him a bottle myself, well that was not possible due to the fact my husband works during the day. So I got him to finally take one from me (this was next to impossible-he looked at me like I was on crack.) Now, to go back to nursing I would have to start all over, and due to the fact I am pumping, for some reason my milk supply has gone down, so we have had to supplement 2 oz every feeding with formula. So I think nursing is behind us, I'm still going to continue to pump and mix with formula until I go back to work. And I really hate pumping, but I just can't let go of it. I envy those people that can nurse with no problems, I would have loved for it to have been that easy for me.

We have had company for almost everyday for the last 4 wks. I think today, and one or maybe two days last week, were the only days someone didn't stop by. It has been nice, but it is also nice to have a day where I don't need to shower and get ready. That probably sound disgusting, but getting ready always seems to be a production. I used to get up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and make it to work all in an hour. Now, it takes me at least two by the time I pump, feed Camden, change few diapers and get him dresses. Boy, oh boy, my priorities have changed.

Hubby and I are going on our first date since the baby on Thursday. We are going to see Jo.el and El.ton Joh.n. I am so excited to see this show, but I am really nervous to leave for that long. I have left to run to the store or go pick up food, leaving him home with my hubby for an hour tops. And I have left on 2 shopping trips with my cousin, but we were gone not even 3 hrs. Thursdays show is almost 4 hrs long and hubby would like to go early and grab a bite to eat or get a drink. I know I need to go and enjoy, I just hope that I am not thinking about how my child is doing the whole time. Hubby called my mom to come and babysit a month before we even bought the tickets. So she is coming down for the night, so he will be in good hands.

We are heading to my parents house for the weekend. Sunday is Mothers day, but it is also hubby's birthday. So we are celebrating both. I will check in later this week and update any new and exciting events. I will leave you with a few pictures:

I love this picture, although my hubby may kill me for posting it. These are the two loves of my life. I put Camden down on my pillow and told hubby to keep him company while I went to grab a bottle. I was gone 3 minutes and returned to find both sleeping and Camden curled around his head. It was too cute!

Camden seems to be in love with his sea horse. He coos and talks to it for hours-seriously. This toy is awesome because it sings 5 songs before it turns off, glow worm not so much. And yes, his hair will not go down, so it sticks up unless it is wet.

Camden not know exactly what to make of tummy time, although he doesn't seem to mind it