Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have never been one to get the hiccups. I never got them in college when I drank or any other time of my life. I seriously think the last time I remember having them was probably grade school. I have them all the time since I got pregnant. It's not like I get them for 10 minutes, I just get 2 or 3 at a time and then they go away. It starts in the morning when they wake me up. No kidding, they literally wake me up. I will get them randomly until I eat and then they go away. But only for a while. It seems like when I get hungry I get them-they are so annoying. What makes it even worse is sometimes they sneak up on me, and it is loud, I can't control it. I sound like a drunk!

Nothing to new here. I am starting to revert to having a hard time sleeping. I have a hard time falling asleep at night, and then I can't get up in the morning. It's not that i can't get comfortable, I just can't fall asleep.

My mom is coming down with my aunt early next week to paint my two spare rooms. One is being converted to a nursery and the other is where company sleeps. I am painting the Nursery butter cream (a light yellow.) I have actually bought my bedding already. You can see it here. I wanted to paint the room a light green, but I think that is to masculine if we have a girl, and I don't want to have to repaint. My mom would kill me. It is also a smaller room with only 1 window, so I think the yellow will keep it from feeling to small.

We are also getting company this weekend. Some of our friends from CA and MN are coming as well as my sister. They all went to college together. My dh was room mates with one of the guys from CA when I met him. And my sister went to college with the rest of them-kind of weird, I know. Anyway we are planning to go to dinner tomorrow, then the badger game on Saturday. After the game I am heading to my parents house so the rest of them can drink themselves into a stupor without my judgement. Actually this is a little harsh-I am going to my parents because it is homecoming and they are planning to stay at the bars for a good part of the day. I have no interest doing this, to me there is nothing worse. If I wasn't pregnant I would be game for this kind of behavior once in a while, but not at this time. So I am going to go home and hang out with the rents-go to dinner, do some shopping, and visit my munchkins. I will have a lot more fun doing that then staying home getting pissed off about being the smart sober one.


Elaine said...

Oh girl...I feel you on the drunkeness. I am a "social drinker" which isn't normal for my group of friends. And lately, I've been the DD...kind of annoying, but better than them driving and risk killing someone I guess.

Ah....pregnancy insomina...wish I could tell you it goes away :)

Hope2morrow said...

Glad things are progressing with your pregnancy. Very exciting.

Have an enjoyable weekend at your parent's house.

Hope2morrow said...

P.S. Thank you for the very sweet comments on my blog to me. They meant so much just to read them. Thank you.

Hope2morrow said...

P.S. Thank you for the very sweet comments on my blog to me. They meant so much just to read them. Thank you.

StoopidMonkies said...

I love the bedding and i think the light yellow will be perfect for boy or girl.
I get hiccups alot too.
I feel ya on the drunkenness as well. One Sundays a lot of hubby's state trooper buddies come over and watch football and they hit up our mini bar and most of them end up spending the night as they are drunk and they are cops and know better then to drink and drive and others sober up in time to leave.
Insomnia i got that too. My MFM told me to take 1 tylenol pm to help get the sleepy feeling and help relax and so far it's been helping if i remember to take it before 1 or 2am LOL

sara said...

That bedding is so great -totally something I would pick! It is going to look great and you have to take photos for us as things get done. Just think, maybe you and the baby will be hiccuping at the same time soon. It happened once with our little one and was a crazy feeling, lol! hope your doing well :-)

Jill said...

Sounds like everything is going well so far with your pregnancy! Hope you had a nice weekend.

SAHW said...

That bedding is gorgeous!! It'll be perfect for either a girl or a boy, I haven't seen too many options that are that nice and also gender neutral.