Tuesday, April 1, 2008

no go

The clomid this cycle did not work. They think the only reason why it worked the last time is because I took it for 10 days. We had 3 options:

1. do nothing and see if it just taking longer
2. Start lexrozole, which is the generic Femara. This is an oral medication that works similar to clomid. They don't use it very often because it so expensive, and also clomid works for most people.
3. Start injectables

So I am starting to take Letrozole today, for 5 days and then go back for another u/s on Sunday. This drug has next to no side effects, and leaves your body after the five days, unlike clomid that can stay in your body for 53 day-that is why the side effects last so long. This drug is our last shot before we have to go to injectables. I am scared to death of the cost of the shots. This alone is $250 for only a 5 day supply. I have heard rumor that injectables are $1200 and then you have to have blood work and u/s every few days, so I can't begin to imagine how it will add up. On the bright side of that-it's a guarantee that it will work. We also don't want to start injectables yet because when I go out of town for work this summer, I will have to stop fertility all together until I get back home in August. At least that will give us a little time to save some money

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Hi Mandy and Justin,
You are two tough cookies to be handling all of the ups and downs in your lives. I think you have made a good choice to try the lexrozole. Good Luck and we'll send extra prayers your way.
Mom and Dad